What Is This All About Now?
I started this blog as a journal of my experiences walking through my diagnosis of metastatic melanoma in 2019. In five days, it will have been a year since my initial diagnosis with terminal cancer. It turned out that my cancer was not terminal for me. I am cancer-free by the grace and power of God through the prayers if His people. I am grateful to be alive, well, and engaging in work that is fruitful and meaningful to me.
I have used this blog to process what has happened to me over the last year. It humbles me to no end that so many have found my personal attempts at transparency to be helpful to them - or at least entertaining. I still have more to share related to this journey. It is taking longer to process some of these things enough to begin to put them to words. “Use your words.” That is hard to do when words fail to communicate what is going on, or when things are so fuzzy. And frankly, writing is difficult for me. Helpful, but difficult. So thank you for your patience.
You probably received a few notices from another blog that I write, which reports on some of the Christian primary care clinics that I serve around the country as they are addressing and being impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. If you are not interested in those, I apologize. There is some setting that I can’t figure out that notifies you when those go out. So please delete, but please don’t unsubscribe.
If you got something that looks like this in your inbox, it is from another blog that I do on Christian clinics responding to COVID-19. This is part of what I do for a living - serve and keep up with amazing people like these who are on the front lines of caring for those who are poor. If you don’t want it, delete, but don’t unsubscribe. If you like it, share it with others!
On my cancer journey, I have connected with some new and old friends who are also journeying through cancer. It is a challenge to understand why God chose to heal me, when some of them still struggle - and some have even died. Part of my journey in processing through those issues is appreciating what I learned about God and about my own life through their experiences. If you have found some of my previous blogs to be valuable, I think the ones to come will be worth readying, too. One will hit your email later today.
Thanks for hanging in there with me. Keep me in your prayers. And as you pray for me, be reminded that God hears and answers. I am a living monument to the fact that God hears you and invites you to ask Him for big things. And in the process, He reveals Himself to you, draws you into His work, and changes your heart. He has mine, and continues to do that.
In Christ’s love,